Sunday, 1 May 2011

TV Show Reccomendation - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is one of the funniest shows on TV today. It's dark humor and controversial plot lines are some of the best you're ever going to find. The basic plot is: three guys, Mac, Charlie, and Dennis run a dive bar in south Philadelphia along with Dennis' sister Dee as a bartender ( in the second season Dennis and Dee's dad becomes the fourth owner of the bar.) The show basically consists of the group's hilariously terrible antics, such as picking up women at an abortion rally, pretending to be crippled to get the sympathy of others, forming a crack addiction to qualify for welfare and generally screwing each other over for personal gain. The cast member have such great chemistry, and the writing is superbly clever. I recommend the show to anyone who enjoys great comedy and isn't offended easily.